Fish Tank Toilets, WHY?

fish-tank_uwxpn_69Researchers say that staring at fish for a couple of minutes each day can keep your blood pressure normal. A Chinese company, Runto, has developed a toilet that comes with an integrated fish tank.

I am no genius, just ask my family, but I can’t quite figure out how women are supposed to “watch the fish while taking care of business.”

The toilet has three tanks – one for water flowing in, one for water flowing out and a third for fish and other underwater plants. This design makes sure that you don’t lose some of the fish in the tank every time you use the toilet. The company’s main claim is that the integration of a fish tank reduces the amount of water that flushes down.

I still ask WHY?

Via Telegraph

2 Responses

  1. i could see how watching those would prove problematic for us ladies… but at least they’re pretty 🙂

  2. Yea that’s true!

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